Our event is for anyone romantically and/or sexually attracted to more than one gender (collectively referred to as "bi+") to come meet and socialise with other fellow bi+ people in a calm and casual platonic environment. We also welcome anyone questioning their sexual and/or romantic orientation. The venue is at the Southern Cross Bar & Restaurant and there will be food and drink available either to purchase or is provided.
It's perfect for the Wellington Pride Festival because we provide a social space for the Bi+ community (which includes bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual and any other orientation that's attracted to multiple genders) in Wellington to meet fellow people like themselves and to socialise.
Find out more about the group on Meetup.
If you plan on coming along, RSVP on our Meetup Page or email bi_meetup@redwraith.me
The event is wheelchair accessible. We plan on sitting indoors so as to provide a low volume (in terms of sound) environment and to ensure there is wheelchair accessible seating available.