Thank you thank you thank you!
Now we’ve had a little time to rest our weary bones, everyone here on the Wellington Pride Festival board has a big list of people we’d like to thank. Pride 2025 was an amazing two weeks and it took an awful lot of help to make that happen!

Download your guide to Out in the City
While you can read all about Out in the City on its event page, and check out the performer timetables, and a map, and a list of stallholders, we’ve also knocked together a PDF version, that you can download and print for yourselves. Wahoo!

Celebrating our city of rainbows this weekend
On Saturday Odlin’s Plaza will be full of rainbows and jubilation at Out in the City. On Sunday, the Pride Hīkoi will march to Parliament in solidarity with our trans* and gender minority whānau for rights to gender-affirming healthcare. Then on Sunday afternoon, we’ll relax at the Pride Picnic in the Botanic Gardens, featuring performances from Orchestra Wellington to bring the festival to a close.

Hurray, it’s almost here!
Our beautiful diverse vibrant community deserves a special time to celebrate and replenish our souls, and Wellington Pride Festival - in partnership with you - is going to make sure that happens.

Wellington Pride Festival – Human Rights Review Tribunal case
We do not – and will not – accept organisations that are vocally anti-trans into our events.